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NDC launched the NGO Code of Conduct in 2008 together with the four NGO Umbrella Networks and Unions. It is a pioneering self-regulating initiative that aspires to voluntarily commit NGOs to the Code of Conduct principles based on transparency, accountability and good governance. The Code of Conduct introduced ethical principles for NGOs to follow, and introduced sound administrative and managerial systems, procedures and tools and provided technical assistance and coaching to NGOs in the West Bank and Gaza.


It is hoped that adherence to the Code of Conduct will enhance public trust in NGOs, and boost credibility with stakeholders as well as generate space for knowledge sharing. by end of 2019, 620 NGOs have signed up, and over 130 have received coaching and technical assistance to what is the first self-regulating initiative in the Arab World.

Project Budget
USD 600,000
Project Duration
Project Location
Main Program