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The "Gaza Emergency Support for Social Services" project is aligned with the strategic objectives of the World Bank Group (WBG). The project will contribute to the implementation of the World Bank’s Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Enlarged Strategy (March 2019), particularly to building resilience to shocks, renewing the social contract, and building human capital. The project activities sequentially address the needs for Relief (providing immediate cash for social services to households in need), Recovery (through social protection systems strengthening and financial inclusion to enable economic recovery), and Resilience (by protecting human capital through strengthening the social protection systems, particularly the mental health and psychosocial services).

Project Components:

Component 1: Cash for Services to enhance psychosocial support provision in Gaza. This component will provide tailored training and sub-grants to selected NGOs to implement Cash for Service (C4S) sub-projects aimed to provide MHPSS to communities affected by affected by the recurrent outbreaks of violence in Gaza, including the recent May 2021 conflict. Services will include mental health and psychosocial support through either direct interventions or prevention activities. Services provided will be mostly targeted towards women and children.

 The Component will support provision of MHPSS and other select relevant social services to vulnerable population focusing on women and children through C4S modality that targets unemployed ages between 20 and 40. Those receiving MHPSS as well as those temporary employed under C4S are direct beneficiaries of this component. Unemployment status will be verified against the Ministry of Labor’s database, with additional checks to be performed by hiring NGOs as needed. To benefit as many households as possible, only one applicant (of C4S or e-work support) per household will be allowed to benefit from this project.

NDC will do the outreach to NGOs and prepare a single call for C4S proposals. Interested NGOs will prepare proposals based on project guidelines, including target beneficiaries and criteria for selecting sub- projects. NGOs will be asked to prepare C4S proposals based on their experience in delivering MHPSS services.

Component 2: Support to youth empowerment through e-work (e-work). Replicating the approach taken by the Gaza Emergency Cash for Work and Self-Employment Support Project (P167726) this component will finance support for target youth to become e-workers/online freelancers and will aim to ensure significant reach to women beneficiaries to address existing gender gaps in the labor market and disproportionate impact of crisis on women. The type of e-work to be supported by the project includes both complex and simple tasks (e.g. software development, graphic design, media production, content development, website design, animations, e-marketing, translation, voice over, virtual assistance, labelling photos or videos, describing products, transcribing scanned documents, data gathering, answering calls). These tasks are linked to larger projects through online networks and platforms at the regional and global levels. Online freelancers can work on their own or as part of local freelancing companies.

The target age-range for this component is young people between the age of 18-34 years have the skills or potential to become e-workers/ online freelancers. At least 50% of beneficiaries of this component should be women. This component builds upon the lessons learned from the C4W project and be more responsive and flexible to beneficiary needs in provision of structured pathway to online freelancing with different stages involving access to quality and up-to-date training, upskilling, and coaching/mentorship services within the freelancing ecosystem. It will also emphasize importance of structured engagement of trainers and mentors in beneficiary progression as a requirement in the call for proposals for E-Work Service Providers.


Component 3: Project Management and Monitoring: This component will strengthen the NGO Development Center’s (NDC’s) capacity for Project management, monitoring, and evaluation through financing of office equipment, consultants’ services, including audit, training, and incremental operating. More specifically, it will finance (i) the preparation of the POM, guidelines (including Environmental and Social (E&S)) and outreach materials for NGOs providing C4S and not-for-profit organizations providing support to e-work; (ii) outreach activities; (iii) call for proposals; (iv) evaluation and selection of proposals; (v) assistance to selected NGOs and not-for-profit organizations in the identification of target youth and the validation of eligibility information; (vi) supervision and audit of selected sub-projects (including through spot-checks); (vii) monitoring and evaluation of the Project against PDO-level and intermediate indicators; (viii) enhancing capacity of selected NGO’s in the areas of social and environmental safeguards; and (ix) monitoring of the project’s and sub-projects’ compliance with agreed upon E&S standards.


Project Related Documents:

  • Social Impact Assessment (SIA): To download please Click Here 
  • Stakeholders Engagement Plan (SEP): To download please Click Here 
  • Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP): To download please Click Here 
  • Labor Management Procedures (LMP): To download please Click Here



Project Donor
The World Bank
Project Budget
US$ 7 Million
Project Duration
Project Location
Gaza Strip
Main Program