Nawal Idrees Al Badawi is one such mother from Oreef village. Despite her English-language diploma gained following school, she found herself detached from learning resources and had forgotten much of her education. In essence she was becoming increasingly marginalized and unable to develop herself as she wished. Nawal heard about the Mothers School Society in the town of Huwwara. She was attracted to the open style of teaching and the opportunities it could offer her. In fact, she says the course became a central part of her life. “I started waiting impatiently for study days to take place…I felt like I was a governmental-school student again!” The teachers are singled out for specific praise by Nawal. She is very grateful for their commitment to providing the women of the Nablus Governorate with educational opportunities. Furthermore, Nawal is convinced of the impact this initiative is having on the children of Huwwara. The empowerment of mothers is leading to greater interest from students in the town – their mothers are powerful role models. Following her first semester with the Mothers School Society, Nawal has joined the Oreef School Mothers Council. This body is responsible for supporting the students of the village and maintaining the standard of the educational services in Oreef. In this case, the mothers educational project has reinvigorated the local government school system. Nawal is convinced of the benefits of the project and looks forward to continuing her study. She also hopes to pass on the value of the Mothers School Society to her peers. She is now an advocate for adult education. “I would definitely enroll in the upcoming semester. I also gave lots of information about the Mothers School Society to the mothers of Oreef to encourage them to register for the upcoming semester.”
The Mothers School Society in Nablus was established in 1999 to provide education to dozens of mothers who have no access to education. Focusing on adult literacy, health education, civic education and vocational skills, the Mothers School Society is empowering mothers in marginalized and rural areas. The society’s projects specifically respond to the absence of resources for women who are expected to manage the home whilst fathers are working.