Research and Studies | NDC

Research and Studies

Proposed Strategy for the Development of the Palestinian NGO Sector

This strategy is intended for the broad range of non-governmental organizations in Palestine. The initiative to prepare this strategy came from the Project Management Office (PMO) of the Palestinian NGO (PNGO) Project of the World Bank in preparation for the third phase of PNGO. However, the strategy is not intended to be a strategy of the PMO for PNGO III only. It is crafted to address the alleged weaknesses of NGOs and the expectations of stakeholders of the role that they should play in responding both to current problems as well as long-term concerns. It is expected that implementation will be a collaborative undertaking by different stakeholders.

Development and Investment Plan for Communities in Al-Mashareeq Area (Central West Bank)

The study seeks to develop a comprehensive vision for the socio-economic development of the Al-Mashareeq area that strengthens the resilience of the population, supports their survival on their lands, and effectively supports coordinated efforts of all development stakeholders in the area. The study primarily consists of a detailed comprehensive investment plan for the Al-Mashareeq communities, including interventions and programs ranked by priority, with the potential to be implemented by NGOs in cooperation and coordination with all development stakeholders (local government authorities, international NGOs, ministries, donors and the private sector).

The Participation of Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations in Sector and National Planning Processes

This study was conducted to deepen the understanding of the NGO community’s participation in the national and sector planning processes. The purpose of this study is to strengthen the contribution and participation of Palestinian NGOs in national and sector planning and in policy making processes. The study aims, specifically, to evaluate the scope of Palestinian NGO participation in the national and sector planning processes, the quality of participation, and nature of NGO representation in these processes. This study identifies gaps in the capacity of these NGOs themselves, and their representative bodies and umbrella networks. It aims to enhance NGO contribution and integrate them into the planning processes; identify mechanisms for dialogue and partnership between the government and NGOs; submitting recommendations to improve and institutionalize participation; and enhance the participatory approach and transparency in national and sector planning processes, including monitoring and evaluation of plans based on the principles of accountability and social responsibility.

A Strategic Framework to Strengthen the Palestinian NGO Sector 2013-2017

This year, the NDC is updating the sector development strategy with the assistance of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD). Unlike the previous strategy, this one aims to engage a wider audience both in preparation and in implementation. An intensive consultative process involving a wide range of NGOs in different regions of Palestine was established to arrive at this strategic framework. Like the previous strategy, the new strategic framework aims to provide a strategic direction to NGOs in addressing the key issues that the Palestinian society will face in the next five years within their area of competence. The strategy establishes a framework that encourages NGOs to align their current programs and projects as a way to achieve strategic objectives that will lead to a five-year goal.

Palestinian Non Governmental Organizations and the Private Sector: Potentials for Cooperation and Partnerships

This study comes within the framework of the NGO Development Center’s (NDC) efforts to develop the NGO sector to become more responsive, transparent and accountable to Palestinian communities. This is to be accomplished by setting standards and promoting collaboration within the NGO sector. It will be supported by strategic policy research, planning, and a strategic plan.

Tracking External Donor Funding to Palestinian Non -Governmental Organizations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip 1999 -2008

Between 1999 and 2008, external aid to the West Bank and Gaza Strip increased by over 600% to 3.25 billion US Dollars per year. During the same time period, external aid to Palestinian Nongovernmental Organizations (PNGOs) increased by over 500% from 48 million US Dollars in 1999 to 257 million in 2008. Throughout this period the level of external aid received by PNGOs fluctuated, however, it averaged around 10% over the 10 year period.

Social Accountability Innovations in the NGO Sector in West Bank and Gaza

Currently, about 1,500 of 2,445 registered nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in the West Bank and Gaza (WB&G) provide key social services. Within this context, the World Bank has supported four Palestinian NGO Projects (PNGO), beginning in 1997

Rapid Needs Assessment of the NGO Sector

On March 3 and 4, the NGO Development Center (NDC) held a rapid needs assessment workshop for Palestinian NGOs working in the sectors of Health and rehabilitation, Agriculture, Social Services and Education. It is important to note that this was the first needs assessment for and by local Palestinian NGOs. The mechanism applied focused on sector working groups and included the following points of discussion: role o f NGOs in service delivery, preparedness of NGOs in the current situation, capacity and capability of NGOs to absorb additional funding and to implement additional programs, the need of each sector by priority, immediate and intermediate interventions with an emphasis on quick start, and the possibilities of cooperation and coordination. Forty-seven NGO representatives participated in this rapid needs assessment either through focus groups, interviews, or case studies.