In an effort to promote knowledge sharing, collaboration and coordination among Palestinian umbrella NGO networks, NDC is currently providing support and technical assistance to four organizations. Additionally, NDC has supported four thematic NGO networks, representing various sectors namely, youth, livestock, environment and culture. All eight beneficiary NGOs signed grant implementation agreements (GIAs) with NDC and received capacity building interventions. Through this program, NDC aims to enhance the capacities of networks along with that of their members so as to strengthen and sustain the services they provide to the community. NDC’s support includes developing websites, appointing coordinators to manage programs, developing strategic plans and conducting training sessions for network members in areas such as project management, proposal writing, methods in designing youth programs, etc.
The Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network (PENGON) is one of the thematic beneficiary networks which aims to serve Palestinian environmental issues by coordinating endeavors between the member organizations (14 members) strengthening and building the capacity within each member organization and enhancing relations with other local and international organizations including local government agencies and international environment organizations. PENGON was suffering from deficiencies in its administrative systems, its governance, and its sustainability. In response, NDC helped the organization design a strategic plan to help them be more effective in their area of work and to launch advocacy campaigns related to environment. Through NDC’s assistance, PENGON was able to upgrade its capacity to meet membership requirements with the Association of Friends of the EarthInternational (FOEI), based in Amsterdam, in which they became members in November of 2008. PENGON had strived to become an FOEI member, but lacked the needed capacity. This membership allowed PENGON, the first Palestinian organization, to be part of an international body for environmental defense. Yet, with NDC’s intervention, PENGON not only fulfilled this goal, but also enhanced its capacities.
It is worth mentioning that PENGON is a non-profit, non-governmental organization whose role is to serve the Palestinian environment by acting as a coordinating body for the Palestinian environmental organizations located in the oPt. It was founded in 1996, due to the increased demands and responsibilities of Palestinian environmental organizations to defend the Palestinian environment.