Ramallah, West Bank – The NGO Development Center (NDC) is pleased to have launched the study on ‘The Participation of Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations in Sector and National Planning Processes’ on June 19, 2014 at the Palestinian Red Crescent Society. Around 80 participants from the public sector and donor representatives attended the event.
In her opening remarks, Ms. Safa Abu Assab, the NDC Chair of the Board of Directors, welcomed all attendees and highlighted NDC’s role as a leading institution for development and the provider of integrated technical and financial support to Palestinian NGOs along with the promotion of good governance principles.
As expressed by Mr. Ghassan Kasabreh, NDC Director, the purpose of the study is to reinforce the participation of Palestinian NGOs in sector, national planning and policy development processes. This includes developing a national policy agenda, as well as identifying national and sector development priorities and trends.
"By deepening our understanding of the scope of participation of the Palestinian NGOs in sector and national planning processes, their participation and effectiveness can be strengthened."
The opportunity was also taken to acknowledge the efforts of Mr. Yassir Shalabi who prepared the study along with the four NGO Umbrella Networks whose effective participation in the workshops made substantial contributions that enriched the study. Appreciations were also extended to the French Agency for Development (AFD), which provided the necessary funds to carry out the study.
In turn, Mr. Bruno Juet, AFD Director, expressed appreciations to all involved parties and emphasized AFD’s programmatic support to Palestinian NGOs of which this study was part of. He further stressed the importance of engaging Palestinian NGOs and their representative bodies in policy making and planning processes. It is hoped that the findings, recommendations and identified gaps from this study and the ones alike, will contribute to achieving a fully developed Palestinian State.
During the event, NDC also took the opportunity to briefly introduce another study carried out in the Al-Mashareeq Area (Area C, central West Bank)- an investment plan that seeks to develop a comprehensive and coordinated vision for the socio-economic development of the area that strengthens the resilience of its populations to remain on their lands. This was followed by a screening of NDC’s film demonstrating successes of a recently completed multi-sectoral pilot initiative in the Area C located community of Beit Skaria.
Lastly, the objectives of the study, methodology, findings and recommendations were presented by the researcher, Mr. Yasser Shalabi. The study can be accessed through the below link: http://www.ndc.ps/node/1201
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