Jerusalem, June 22, 2022 - Today, NDC signed agreements with five CSOs for the commencement of activities under the third call for proposals within the Appui à Jérusalem-Est pour son Identité et sa Résilience – Action for East Jerusalem Identity and Resilience (AJIR)” programme. The grant recipients are: St. Dimitri’s High School, Spafford Children's Center (SCC), Siraj Alquds Inclusive School and Society, Rawdat El Zuhur, and Terra Sancta Schools in Jerusalem – Custody of the Holy Land.
In addition to the five grant recipients, representatives of NDC and AFD, as well as a special appearance by the Consul General of France, Mr. René Troccaz were in attendance. Today marks the addition of 5 new projects to the programme, joining 16 other Jerusalem-based projects who have already benefited from funding through AJIR since the commencement of the programme in 2020.
“NDC welcomes AFD’s support through the AJIR programme which ultimately contributes to NDC’s overall mission to support the NGO sector in Palestine, with a commitment to serving the most vulnerable and hard to reach communities such as Jerusalem; a place that holds such historic significance for Palestine, yet one where our identity is constantly being erased from” said Ghassan Kasabreh, NDC Director
The overall objective of this four-year programme is to support the resilience of Palestinians in East Jerusalem through improving education and cultural services provided to youth, supporting vulnerable populations, and fostering the role of civil society and enhancing its capacities. This is done through three key pillars: financing the construction or renovation of educational and cultural facilities, improving fair and equal access to social and local services, and through building the capacity of civil society.
Under this programme, NDC acts as the Managing Organization and is responsible for ensuring the sound implementation of the programme as a whole, as well as sharing its expertise in project management with beneficiary CSOs in order to enhance their capacities.
The NGO Development Center is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, established in response to the need for a sustainable Palestinian mechanism that works to provide support to the Palestinian NGO sector. NDC works to develop the capacities of Palestinian NGOs in their provision of quality services, especially to the poor and marginalized. NDC works to enable partner NGOs to be more sustainable and self-reliant by providing them with financial and technical support.