Sector Development | NDC

Sector Development

NGO Code of Conduct

(USD 600,000)

The Palestinian NGOs Code of Conduct is the standard for the ethical and work behavioral patterns within the framework of the functioning of NGOs. It specifies the ground rules needed to be observed by the Board, administration and staff while fulfilling their tasks. NDC facilitated the formation of the Code of Conduct Coalition comprised of the four NGO Umbrella Networks and Unions, (the Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO), the Palestinian National Institute of NGOs (PNIN), the Palestinian General Union of Charitable Societies, and the General Palestinian Union for NGOs in Gaza). NDC plays the role of the Coalition’s secretariat.

Social Accountability Innovations in the NGO Sector in West Bank and Gaza

(USD 0.21 million)

The current and fourth Palestinian NGO project (PNGO IV) is a landmark project in that it has integrated a series of innovative social accountability measures into its design, components, and activities. Such measures include social accountability indicators in the results framework, transparent and participatory sub-project selection processes, and participatory planning and needs assessments to inform decision-making at multiple levels.